8:30 AM08:30

Connecticut Manufacturing Summit

The Connecticut Office of Manufacturing will hold the first annual Connecticut Manufacturing Summit on October 2nd at the CT Convention Center in Hartford.

This event highlights industry partners who have recently made Connecticut's manufacturing growth and innovation possible. NCNGM Principal Investigator and Director Karen Wosczyna Birch will moderate the "Driving Innovation in the Manufacturing Sector" panel. Take advantage of this opportunity to attend!

Driving Innovation in the Manufacturing Sector: From decision-making and evaluating solutions to capital investments, training, and utilization, Connecticut industry leaders share their experiences as they drive innovation within their organizations.


Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development

Connecticut State Community College


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12:00 AM00:00

Manufacturing Day

Manufacturing Day, occurring on the first Friday of October, is October 4th, 2024.

Throughout the month, nationwide outreach events emphasize the importance of the manufacturing industry and education initiatives. The Manufacturing Institute—the workforce development and education affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers—empowers manufacturers to come together, address their collective challenges, and build excitement about manufacturing careers to help their communities and future generations thrive.

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5:00 PM17:00

Manufacture CT Annual Celebration Dinner

We are proud to be a silver sponsor of the 2024 Manufacture CT Annual Celebration Dinner, a highly anticipated event that highlights the accomplishments of Connecticut manufacturers. Join us and other members on October 9th at 5 o'clock to celebrate the occasion at Anthony's Ocean View in New Haven. Stanley Black & Decker’s Martin Guay will be the keynote speaker of this year’s Annual Celebration. Marty Guay is Chair of our Board of Regents and has been a partner on initiatives for the NCNGM.

We eagerly anticipate the presence of our colleagues and members dedicated to expanding and revolutionizing manufacturing careers in Connecticut at the dinner!

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to Oct 17


A one-stop shop’ venue where 1,500+ world-class suppliers gather. Attendees discover innovative solutions, and find the tools to improve productivity and increase profits. There is no better opportunity to network, share knowledge and explore the latest technology. Gain insights into industry trends that will help you prepare for future workforce needs.

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to Oct 25

NSF ATE PI Conference

NCNGM is proud to attend the NSF ATE PI Conference. The American Association of Community Colleges, with the support of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), brings together more than 850 NSF ATE grantees and their project partners to focus on the critical issues related to advanced technological education. Key people working on ATE projects across the country will participate in the event. Conference participants represent community colleges, business and industry, secondary school systems, and four-year colleges covering projects in a wide variety of areas, such as information technology, engineering technology, micro- and nanotechnologies, chemical technology, biotechnology, and others.

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to Oct 31

ATMAE Conference

Post-secondary educators, administrators, students, and representatives from business and industry who are passionate about advancing their knowledge and skills are encouraged to attend. This conference offers state-of-the-art exhibits and valuable opportunities to showcase your organization's commitment to technological advancements and applied engineering.

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1:00 PM13:00

Aerospace Alley Future Workforce Opportunities Fair and Tradeshow

Aerospace Component Manufacturers (ACM) Aerospace Alley Future Workforce Opportunities Fair and Tradeshow held at the Connecticut Convention Center. AMT Coordinators will table at the event to educate local high schools and middle school students about the many career opportunities in aerospace manufacturing. CT State Community College campuses Asnuntuck and Manchester will be exhibitors. This event allows CT State students, instructors, and staff to network with area companies for internships, job placement, and potential tours/guest speakers for our Career Awareness in Manufacturing class. It is a great networking event for all who attend.

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to Nov 14

Pipe and Tube Conference

For Fabricators and Manufacturers Association members and the public, this conference includes valuable breakout sessions on key topics like robotics, automation, the latest inspection technology, and how to retain the talent you’ve worked hard to recruit.

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to Dec 7


VISION offers comprehensive programming for Career Technical Education and emerging trends in the field to help career and technical educators thrive in their careers. VISION provides attendees with a rich array of networking opportunities, an Expo, hundreds of concurrent program sessions, and numerous networking opportunities.

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to Aug 1


HI-TEC: High Impact Technology Exchange Conference

Supported by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education (NSF ATE) program, HI-TEC is a national conference on advanced technological education where secondary and postsecondary educators, counselors, industry professionals, trade organizations, and technicians can update their knowledge and skills. Charged with preparing America’s skilled technical workforce, the event focuses on the preparation needed by the existing and future workforce for companies in the high-tech sectors that drive our nation’s economy.

What We Do

HI-TEC explores the convergence of scientific disciplines and technologies including:

  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

  • Bio and Agricultural Technologies

  • Energy and Environmental Technologies

  • Engineering Technologies

  • Information, Communications, and Geospatial Technologies

  • Learning, Evaluation, and Research

  • Micro and Nanotechnologies

  • Security Technologies

  • Workforce Diversity and Inclusion

  • Emerging Technologies

Who Should Attend

  • Community College and University Educators

  • High School Educators

  • Workforce Development Advocates

  • Trade Organizations

  • Industry Professionals

  • Technicians

Learn more about the conference here: HI TEC

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to Jun 28

Mechatronics Professional Development #4 - Application of Industrial Sensors

Central Community College, in partnership with the National Center for Next Generation Manufacturing, is cosponsoring four professional development opportunities this summer and felt you may have an interest in attending.

Currently, our high school instructors which are acting as facilitators come from a variety of teaching backgrounds. In some cases, they don't have an electrical background. They just need to have an interest in this area and have time in their high school schedule to help facilitate classroom activities. During each of these trainings, the facilitators and college instructors will build separate trainers from the beginning and go through lessons which are part of the web-based course. It is our goal that the local community college will work with the high school to offer dual credit to the high schools. In Nebraska, the community college is providing the instructor of record for the college credit and the facilitator helps the students and provide classroom management. Your school may choose to use these trainers differently than we do in Nebraska. The following are details regarding each session, and what you will receive. Classes must be taken in sequence.

Fourth Course: Application of Industrial Sensors June 26th - 28th 2024, Columbus Nebraska

1. Stipend of $1,800 for your travel costs and time

2. Application of Industrial Sensors trainer valued at $1,600

3. Course materials

Central Community College guests are receiving a special lodging rate of $84 a night at Ramada Inn (River's Edge) if reservations are made prior to May 12. For reservations, please call the Ramada directly at 402-564-1492. Please reference the CCC Mechanics Block when making the reservation.

Coffee and rolls will be available at 8:00 a.m. each day of the class. The classes will start promptly at 8:30 a.m. Lunches will be provided. The class will end at 5:00 p.m. each day.

You are welcome to participate in one or all the classes. You will receive a stipend for each course you participate in. The courses must be taken in this order.

Feel free to share this information with a colleague or high school which may have an interest in partnering with you in the future. These courses are a good way to introduce Mechatronics/Industrial Automation to prospective students. We are seeing these classes make a difference in our enrollment.

If you have an interest in participating, please complete the registration below and email it to me at dpauley@cccneb.edu. Class size is limited. Registration will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 402-562-1280.


Doug Pauley

Associate Dean of Workforce Education

Central Community College

Registration Application

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to Jun 26

ASEE Annual Conference

  • Oregon Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Conference Registration & Housing Reservations

We look forward to seeing you in Portland!

 We are so excited to welcome each of you to the ASEE Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon. We’re anticipating a great program of papers, posters, and special sessions this year, with strong attendance from across the nation and the world. We have also substantially expanded our exhibit hall this year, knowing that it is a major attraction for attendees. We are very grateful to the ASEE Conferences and IT staff for their hard work to make this year’s conference another success.


The Annual Conference is the single largest gathering of the year for ASEE members. For many who attend the conference, it is their best opportunity to share their individual and collective work in engineering education. Whether as part of a formal session or by meeting friends in the hallway, the conference has opportunities for everyone to share with and learn from others. We continue to recognize what a privilege it is to able to meet face-to-face to establish, build, and maintain those relationships.


I want to encourage you to take full advantage of this year’s conference. Try out a session from a division that you haven’t visited before, or engage with one of our other groups, such as councils, zones, sections, and committees. Be sure to attend the plenary sessions, and maybe go to one of the many panels being offered this year on a wide variety of topics. Consider coming to Portland a bit early so that you can participate in one of the workshops or the student poster session on Sunday. Become actively engaged in a division with like-minded colleagues by attending a business meeting. Maybe this is your year to be nominated for a leadership position! And, of course, don’t miss the Society-wide events, along with social opportunities and a range of great exhibitors in the exhibit hall, where you can further expand your ASEE networks.


I want to close with a huge thank you to each of you for your strong support of ASEE this past year and to ASEE’s HQ leadership and our member volunteers for their extraordinary dedication and service. As we complete the celebration of our 130th Society year, I am confident that ASEE is well poised to lead engineering education over the next 130 years. Thank you for being a part of making that happen!



Doug Tougaw

ASEE President 2023–2024


Conference Website: https://www.asee.org/events/Conferences-and-Meetings/2024-Annual-Conference

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9:00 AM09:00

Virtual Summer Teachers Workshop

This summer, the Connecticut College of Technology’s National Center for Next Generation Manufacturing, a National Science Foundation Center of Excellence, will present the 2024 Summer Teachers’ Workshop. This program will be held through an online platform.

The exciting four-day workshop provides the opportunity for you to connect with your peers from across the United States in an online workshop. This program is very highly rated by teachers and faculty who have participated in the previous in-person and virtual versions of the program. The workshop will help you learn how to instruct your students in developing essential teambuilding skills as well as providing technology related experiences to help you integrate your learning into your STEM classroom and lab environment. The teambuilding, professional, and technical skills presented in the program are designed to be directly applicable to your classroom. 

Workshop Dates & Times 

·      Thursday, June 20th - 9:00am – 5:00pm EST

·      Friday, June 21st - 9:00am – 5:00pm EST

·      Monday, June 24th - 9:00am – 5:00pm EST

·      Tuesday, June 25th - 9:00am – 5:00pm EST


·      Online

Additional Workshop Details

·      Earn Professional Skills and Technical Skills Microcredentials.

·     Over $460 in materials will be provided: One-year online educational version of SolidWorks CAD Software, micro:bit kit, Electrical components kit, DISC and Emotional Quotient personal assessments, and DISC and Emotional Quotient workbooks and reference materials.

·      Participants will be eligible to receive up to $750 in stipends ($500 for participation in workshop and completion of evaluation materials; $250 upon submission of curriculum for use in classroom).


Full program details can be found in the application materials below:

Application Materials (Word Doc)

Application Materials (PDF)

Summer Teacher Workshop Agenda (PDF)

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to Jun 25

Mechatronics Professional Development #3 - Intro to PLCs

Central Community College, in partnership with the National Center for Next Generation Manufacturing, is cosponsoring four professional development opportunities this summer and felt you may have an interest in attending.

Currently, our high school instructors which are acting as facilitators come from a variety of teaching backgrounds. In some cases, they don't have an electrical background. They just need to have an interest in this area and have time in their high school schedule to help facilitate classroom activities. During each of these trainings, the facilitators and college instructors will build separate trainers from the beginning and go through lessons which are part of the web-based course. It is our goal that the local community college will work with the high school to offer dual credit to the high schools. In Nebraska, the community college is providing the instructor of record for the college credit and the facilitator helps the students and provide classroom management. Your school may choose to use these trainers differently than we do in Nebraska. The following are details regarding each session, and what you will receive. Classes must be taken in sequence.

Third Course: Intro to PLC's June 20th - 25th 2024, Columbus Nebraska

1. Stipend of $1,800 for your travel costs and time

2. Intro to PLC trainer valued at $1,600

3. Course materials

Central Community College guests are receiving a special lodging rate of $84 a night at Ramada Inn (River's Edge) if reservations are made prior to May 12. For reservations, please call the Ramada directly at 402-564-1492. Please reference the CCC Mechanics Block when making the reservation.

Coffee and rolls will be available at 8:00 a.m. each day of the class. The classes will start promptly at 8:30 a.m. Lunches will be provided. The class will end at 5:00 p.m. each day.

You are welcome to participate in one or all the classes. You will receive a stipend for each course you participate in. The courses must be taken in this order.

Feel free to share this information with a colleague or high school which may have an interest in partnering with you in the future. These courses are a good way to introduce Mechatronics/Industrial Automation to prospective students. We are seeing these classes make a difference in our enrollment.

If you have an interest in participating, please complete the registration below and email it to me at dpauley@cccneb.edu. Class size is limited. Registration will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 402-562-1280.


Doug Pauley

Associate Dean of Workforce Education

Central Community College

Registration Application

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to Jun 19

IT Skills Standards Summit

  • Embassy Suites by Hilton Alexandria Old Town (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


JUNE 17-19, 2024

Embassy Suites by Hilton Alexandria Old Town

1900 Diagonal Road
Alexandria, VA 22314
Click here for map.

This event is full - registering now will add you to the WAIT LIST.

* All attendees must also complete in advance a Collin College "terms and conditions" acknowledgement form.
* Registration deadline - Monday, June 3
* W9 deadline - Monday, June 3
* NEW: Collin College's "Supplier Update Form" deadline - Monday, June 3 (attendees are considered the "supplier")

Travel expenses will be reimbursed via a stipend.  See below for more details.

Participating schools must send at least two people: one faculty member and one administrator.

"ITSS Summit" attendees will...

* Understand the elements of the BILT (Business and Industry Leadership Team) Model and the skill standards development cycle
* Discuss strategies for recruiting subject matter experts
* Practice preparing and hosting SME meetings to prioritize in-demand job skills and KPIs
* Convert the job skills into student learning outcomes
* Workshop implementing the skill standard materials into curriculum
* Develop “action plans” for next steps

Full conference agenda and details: https://connectedtech.org/itss-summit-alexandria24/

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to Jun 19

Mechatronics Professional Development #2 - Intro to Instrumentation

Central Community College, in partnership with the National Center for Next Generation Manufacturing, is cosponsoring four professional development opportunities this summer and felt you may have an interest in attending.

Currently, our high school instructors which are acting as facilitators come from a variety of teaching backgrounds. In some cases, they don't have an electrical background. They just need to have an interest in this area and have time in their high school schedule to help facilitate classroom activities. During each of these trainings, the facilitators and college instructors will build separate trainers from the beginning and go through lessons which are part of the web-based course. It is our goal that the local community college will work with the high school to offer dual credit to the high schools. In Nebraska, the community college is providing the instructor of record for the college credit and the facilitator helps the students and provide classroom management. Your school may choose to use these trainers differently than we do in Nebraska. The following are details regarding each session, and what you will receive. Classes must be taken in sequence.

Second Course: Intro to Instrumentation June 14th - 19th 2024, Columbus Nebraska

1. Stipend of $1,800 for your travel costs and time

2. Intro to Instrumentation trainer valued at $ 1,200

3. Course materials

Central Community College guests are receiving a special lodging rate of $84 a night at Ramada Inn (River's Edge) if reservations are made prior to May 12. For reservations, please call the Ramada directly at 402-564-1492. Please reference the CCC Mechanics Block when making the reservation.

Coffee and rolls will be available at 8:00 a.m. each day of the class. The classes will start promptly at 8:30 a.m. Lunches will be provided. The class will end at 5:00 p.m. each day.

You are welcome to participate in one or all the classes. You will receive a stipend for each course you participate in. The courses must be taken in this order.

Feel free to share this information with a colleague or high school which may have an interest in partnering with you in the future. These courses are a good way to introduce Mechatronics/Industrial Automation to prospective students. We are seeing these classes make a difference in our enrollment.

If you have an interest in participating, please complete the registration below and email it to me at dpauley@cccneb.edu. Class size is limited. Registration will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 402-562-1280.


Doug Pauley

Associate Dean of Workforce Education

Central Community College

Registration Application

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to Jun 14

CYAD Conference: Cybersecurity Across Disciplines

CyAD Conference: Cybersecurity Across Disciplines

June 12-13, 2024

Moraine Valley Community College

9000 College Pkwy, Palos Hills, IL 60465


Cybersecurity impacts everyone and every discipline. This is an opportunity to learn how cybersecurity intersects with your discipline.  Discover how to integrate new technologies into your classroom and gain a broader understanding of cybersecurity's role in different disciplines.

At the CyAD Conference, you can engage in specialized workshops designed to delve into the cybersecurity aspects relevant to your discipline. We will cover a wide range of topics, including securing business operations, protecting healthcare data, ensuring cybersecurity in automotive systems, protecting critical infrastructure, and much more.

A travel stipend will be available to eligible faculty traveling from outside the area of the event to assist with transportation costs.


Who Should Attend:

This event is intended for community/technical college faculty from both cyber and other fields, including Aerospace, Automotive, Marine and Geospatial Technologies, Business, Healthcare, Critical Infrastructure, and associated areas related to Autonomous Technologies (i.e., Automation, Manufacturing, etc.). 

For liability and safety reasons, we kindly request that all attendees be 18 years of age or older.



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to Jun 13

Mechatronics Professional Development #1 - Concepts of Electronics

Central Community College, in partnership with the National Center for Next Generation Manufacturing, is cosponsoring four professional development opportunities this summer and felt you may have an interest in attending.

Currently, our high school instructors which are acting as facilitators come from a variety of teaching backgrounds. In some cases, they don't have an electrical background. They just need to have an interest in this area and have time in their high school schedule to help facilitate classroom activities. During each of these trainings, the facilitators and college instructors will build separate trainers from the beginning and go through lessons which are part of the web-based course. It is our goal that the local community college will work with the high school to offer dual credit to the high schools. In Nebraska, the community college is providing the instructor of record for the college credit and the facilitator helps the students and provide classroom management. Your school may choose to use these trainers differently than we do in Nebraska. The following are details regarding each session, and what you will receive. Classes must be taken in sequence.

First Course: Concepts of Electronics June l 0th - 13th 2024, Columbus Nebraska

I. Stipend of $1,800 for your travel costs and time

2. Concepts of Electronics trainer valued at $450

3. Course materials

Central Community College guests are receiving a special lodging rate of $84 a night at Ramada Inn (River's Edge) if reservations are made prior to May 12. For reservations, please call the Ramada directly at 402-564-1492. Please reference the CCC Mechanics Block when making the reservation.

Coffee and rolls will be available at 8:00 a.m. each day of the class. The classes will start promptly at 8:30 a.m. Lunches will be provided. The class will end at 5:00 p.m. each day.

You are welcome to participate in one or all the classes. You will receive a stipend for each course you participate in. The courses must be taken in this order.

Feel free to share this information with a colleague or high school which may have an interest in partnering with you in the future. These courses are a good way to introduce Mechatronics/Industrial Automation to prospective students. We are seeing these classes make a difference in our enrollment.

If you have an interest in participating, please complete the registration below and email it to me at dpauley@cccneb.edu. Class size is limited. Registration will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 402-562-1280.


Doug Pauley

Associate Dean of Workforce Education

Central Community College

Registration Application

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to May 9


With over 800 exhibitors, our show floor hosts leading automation solutions from around the world. You’ll find everything from robotics to vision to motion control, AI and more. Join us to see how automation is no longer just the future; it’s the here and now.

For details and registration, visit the AUTOMATE website: https://www.automateshow.com/trade-show


Our attendees span different industries, company sizes and experience levels—from brand new to season automation professionals. Look at just a few industries represented on our floor.

  • Aerospace

  • Agriculture

  • Automotive

  • Construction

  • Electronics

  • Food & Beverage

  • Healthcare

  • Life Sciences

  • Logistics

  • Manufacturing

  • Motion Control

  • Retail

  • Robotics

  • Warehousing

  • And more!


Want an up-close and in-person view of the incredible solutions automation has to offer? Our show floor has almost every application imaginable.

  • Additive manufacturing

  • Cameras & smart cameras

  • Controls

  • Conveyors

  • End-of-arm tooling

  • Frame grabbers

  • Industrial IoT

  • Laser equipment & systems

  • Metrology equipment

  • Motion control systems

  • Motors

  • Robots

  • Safety products

  • Sensors & feedback devices

  • Software & AI

  • Vision systems

  • 5G technology

  • And more!

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6:00 PM18:00

Epsilon Pi Tau Gamma Phi Chapter Induction Ceremony

Epsilon Pi Tau (EPT) is the Leading International Honor Society for Technology. Epsilon Pi Tau recognizes academic excellence of students in fields devoted to the study of technology and the preparation of practitioners for the technology professions. Epsilon Pi Tau also extends the honor of membership and advancement activities to outstanding practitioners in the technology professions, scholars with exemplary research interests in technology in society and/or persons who have significantly supported or advanced technology professions. All prospective members from these groups must meet Epsilon Pi Tau professional and leadership performance criteria

In 2023, over 100 students were inducted from all 12 Connecticut Community Colleges.

Learn more about Epsilon Pi Tau: https://epsilonpitau.org/

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8:30 AM08:30

Aligning Industry 4.0 with Academia - Action Planning Convening

  • Central Connecticut State University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

From the Central Connecticut State University School of Engineering, Science, and Technology:

You are invited to join us on the morning of Monday, April 8, 2024, at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain for a “Aligning Industry 4.0 with Academia” Action Planning Convening. This event is designed to explore emerging digital roles in the defense manufacturing sector and how to build Industry 4.0 principles into K-12 curriculum, colleges and universities, and workforce development programs.


Date: Monday, April 8, 2024

Location: CCSU, 1615 Stanley Street, New Britain, CT

Room: Connecticut Room (within Memorial Hall – building #18 on this map)

Check-in & Networking Breakfast: 8:30am

Program: 9:00 – 11:30am

Refreshments: A continental breakfast will be available



Parking Information: Please park in the Student Center lot or Student Center Garage as indicated on this map.  Please let us know if you need accessible parking information (contact info, below).


Event Agenda:

Welcoming Remarks

What Is Industry 4.0 and Model Based Definition

Implementing Model-Based Definition in the Workplace

Academic Panel

Facilitated Group Discussions (with prompts and “pre-work” send one week prior to the event)

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Michaelin Thomas at (860) 832-1833 or thomas.m@ccsu.edu

View Event →
to Sep 14


North America’s Largest Metal Forming, Fabricating, Welding and Finishing Event

FABTECH returns to McCormick Place, September 11-14, 2023, and provides a convenient ‘one-stop shop’ venue where you can meet with 1,300+ world-class suppliers, discover innovative solutions, and find the tools to improve productivity and increase profits. There is no better opportunity to network, share knowledge and explore the latest technology. Gain insights into industry trends that will help you prepare for what’s ahead, all here in one place.

Conference Website: https://www.fabtechexpo.com/

View Event →
to Aug 2

CyAD Conference: Cybersecurity Across Disciplines

  • Moraine Valley Community College (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CyAD Conference: Cybersecurity Across Disciplines

Presented by the National Cybersecurity Training & Education Center

August 1-2, 2023

Moraine Valley Community College

9000 College Pkwy, Palos Hills, IL 60465

This event is intended for community/technical college faculty from other disciplines, including other ATE Centers, who want to integrate cybersecurity into their programs as well as current cybersecurity faculty. An example is integrating cybersecurity into manufacturing or biotech.  You do not need a cybersecurity background to attend.

The conference will provide: 

  • Basic introduction to cybersecurity training for community college faculty in other disciplines.    

  • Breakout workshops will review critical aspects of cybersecurity as it relates to:

  • Manufacturing/Automation

    1. Critical Infrastructure

    2. Business

    3. Healthcare & Life Sciences

    4. Automotive/Autonomous Systems

  • Topics that come in through a call for proposals

  • Customized training, case studies or scenarios around each discipline

  • Demonstrations of resources and tools

View Event →
to Jul 27

High Impact Technology Exchange Conference

HI-TEC: A National Conference on Advanced Technological Education

Supported by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education (NSF ATE) program, HI-TEC is a national conference on advanced technological education where secondary and postsecondary educators, counselors, industry professionals, trade organizations, and technicians can update their knowledge and skills. Charged with preparing America’s skilled technical workforce, the event focuses on the preparation needed by the existing and future workforce for companies in the high-tech sectors that drive our nation’s economy.


What We Do

HI-TEC explores the convergence of scientific disciplines and technologies including:

  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

  • Bio and Agricultural Technologies

  • Energy and Environmental Technologies

  • Engineering Technologies

  • Information, Communications, and Geospatial Technologies

  • Learning, Evaluation, and Research

  • Micro and Nanotechnologies

  • Security Technologies

  • Workforce Diversity and Inclusion

  • Emerging Technologies

Conference Information: https://www.highimpact-tec.org/.

View Event →
to Jul 21

DIVERSITY INCLUDES DISABILITIES - Equity & Excellence: Access in Higher Education

  • Oregon Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Increase diversity in your STEM programs!

The DeafTEC Resource Center is partnering with AHEAD to provide a unique professional development opportunity at the

Equity & Excellence: Access in Higher Education Conference

The 46th Annual Conference of the Association on Higher Education And Disability

Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon July 17-21, 2023

• Teams from up to 20 community colleges will be selected to participate in the conference

• Each team will consist of a STEM faculty member and a staff/faculty from disability services

• Each team member will receive a travel stipend to attend the conference

More information about this opportunity and how to apply can be found at www.deaftec.org/ahead

Program Flyer

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5:00 PM17:00

ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

As we anticipate entering our 130th year, the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition is the only conference dedicated to all disciplines of engineering and engineering technology education. The premier event of its kind, the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition fosters an exchange of ideas; enhances teaching methods and curricula; explores how to manage engagement, retention, and return on learning experiences; and provides unparalleled networking opportunities for engineering and engineering technology education stakeholders, including deans, department chairs, faculty members, researchers, and industry and government professionals.

The conference features more than 400 technical sessions and thousands of authors and speakers, with peer-reviewed papers spanning all disciplines of engineering education; topical plenaries, including the main plenary; provocative panel discussions; award ceremonies and social events; Focus on Exhibit Events; and workshops on topics ranging from new tools and technologies to research-proven, practical tips for improving teaching, learning, and equity.

Conference Information: https://www.asee.org/events/Conferences-and-Meetings/2023-Annual-Conference

View Event →
to May 25


As Automate continues to grow in prominence and extend its influence, this event has become a must-attend for anyone currently working with automation, companies that want to begin to use automation, and those looking for ways to capitalize on the technology.

As the leading automation showcase in North America, the hands-on, front-row-seat experiences are second to none. The gathering of expertise and experience is unmatched. The opportunities to learn, get better and make a fast impact abound. Whether you already use automation or you’re just curious, Automate is simply a can’t-miss.

Conference Information: https://www.automateshow.com/

View Event →
5:00 PM17:00


EASTEC 2023, the largest Northeast manufacturing trade show, will be held at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Massachusetts and is produced by SME and AMT.

Advanced manufacturing technology intersects with longstanding tradition at EASTEC 2023, May 16-18, 2023 in West Springfield, Massachusetts. EASTEC celebrates the historical importance of Northeast manufacturing while showcasing its future in leading-edge industries such as aerospace, medical devices, automotive, industrial equipment and defense.

It’s all here, from long-established foundational manufacturing to the advanced technology that makes possible smart manufacturing and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Technology runs the gamut from high-end manufacturing equipment to smart technologies such as additive manufacturing and automation. EASTEC provides you with the ideal opportunity to make and renew business connections, explore the latest technology, learn from industry experts and shape the future of your business.

EASTEC, the leading northeast manufacturing trade show, has been providing solutions to manufacturing challenges for more than 35 years.

EASTEC attendees come from a variety of industries including Aircraft and Aerospace, Automotive, Medical, Defense, Industrial and Commercial Machinery, and more.

EASTEC exhibitors have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with over 13,000 attendees, of which 76% have a role in purchasing decisions with 32% having manufacturing equipment budgets of more than $200,000.

Conference Information: https://www.easteconline.com/

View Event →
to May 4


RAPID + TCT’s unparalleled exhibit floor and conference make it the can’t-miss event of the year! Connect with the entire additive manufacturing industry and discover the solutions and applications to take your projects to the next level, May 2-4 in Chicago.

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8:00 AM08:00

American Manufacturing Hall of Fame

  • The Jackson Laboratory For Genomic Medicine (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

General Dynamics Electric Boat, ASML, RBC Bearings and NASA's Moonshot CT Manufacturers Headline 2023 American Manufacturing Hall of Fame First Statewide Induction Ceremony.

For more than 350 years Connecticut has been the birthplace of invention. The helicopter, the submarine, pay phone, sewing machine, boxed ruler, first space suit to walk on the moon and even the Wiffle Ball were all born and manufactured in our state.

To honor this legacy the American Manufacturing Hall of Fame (AMHoF) announces its first statewide Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. The Induction Ceremony, with the theme Boldly Go! Celebrating Those Who Innovate, takes place on April 13, 2023 at 8:00am at The Jackson Laboratory, Farmington, CT.

AMHoF also announced that U.S. Senator Christopher Murphy as the event’s Honorary Chair with special Presenter U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal.

“Founded by a passionate group of manufacturing stakeholders in 2012, our Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Celebrates those who Innovate,and Educate our next generation of makers,” said AMHoF Chair Timothy Clark. “American Manufacturing Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony supports scholarship programs of the College of Technology.”

AMHoF also announced that CliftonLarsonAllen, the largest regional business advisory firm based in New England with offices in Connecticut, is the Founding Sponsor of the 2023 American Manufacturing Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.

Purchase tickets for the Induction Ceremony: https://www.americanmanufacturinghof.com/celebrate

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to Apr 15

ITEEA's 85th Annual Conference

Top Reasons to Attend

Important Dates

  • Make New Contacts and Grow Your Network

  • Expand Your Knowledge and Find Solutions to Problems

  • Present Your Ideas or Work to Others and Get Feedback

  • Meet Experts and Influencers Face to Face

  • Learn and Try New Tips and Tactics

  • Get Inspired by the Energy of Like-Minded Educators

  • Invest in Yourself and Your Career

  • Have Fun!

Conference Information: https://web.cvent.com/event/52131a97-f902-429d-8012-ee6d4b2d3f00/summary

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to Apr 13

EPRI Supply Chain Workshop for Structural Components in Advanced Energy Systems

About The Event

It is anticipated that by 2050, the electric power industry will replace a majority of the existing ~390GW nuclear fleet and add an additional 480GW of new generation capacity. (1) In the US alone, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) has identified ~40 units that are slated for production by 2032 with many more planned by 2050. Similarly, rapid deployment is anticipated for other Advanced Energy Systems (AES) such as non-battery bulk energy storage systems (e.g. molten salts), concentrated solar power (CSP), supercritical CO2 (sCO2), and thermal power plants with carbon capture and storage. This new generation of AES will not only produce electricity but provide transformative solutions for other energy intense industries.

This surge in power plant construction is being driven by carbon initiatives which are being implemented across the globe to achieve Net Zero by 2050. The unprecedented energy transformation is reshaping the energy system and placing a new strain on the already pressed global supply chain.  In the summer of 2022, EPRI hosted the first of several planned Supply Chain Workshops which are intended to focus on industry challenges and opportunities associated with the supply chain support for structural components in AESs. The workshop was based around seven key themes, included over 50 presentations, and resulted in several opportunities/actionable items. The results of the 1st Workshop were captured in a publicly available EPRI report: 3002025254.

In April of 2023, EPRI will be hosting a second Supply Chain Workshop to describe work that has already begun to address several of the key opportunities and to seek further industry input on actionable items. These topics were selected based on the outcomes of the first workshop and a follow-on survey of the industry. Specifically, topics which the 2nd Workshop will cover include:

· Welding Workforce Development

· Fitness for Nuclear (FN4) North America – Vendor Fitness & Qualification

· Capabilities in the Areas of Fabricators, Machining Supplier Capabilities, and Heat Treating/Bending

· Architect Engineer (AE) Perspectives on New Build & Supply Chain

· Codes & Standards Progress and Challenges

· Materials Qualification – Overcoming the Barriers of Accelerated Qualification

The two-day workshop will include presentations by industry experts, Code representatives, key stakeholders (AES developers/manufacturers), equipment manufacturers, selected vendors, and AEs.

EPRI encourages you to plan to participate in the 2nd Supply Chain Workshop to provide industrial perspective and to work with us to address current barriers to deployment of new generation.

(1) https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/pressreleases/iaea-projections-for-nuclear-power-growth-increase-for-second-year-amid-climate-energy-security-concerns

(2) Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI).

Conference Website: https://www.epri.com/events/3B56DDAA-F28C-47F7-A3D3-17C4015E40E0

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to Apr 4

AACC Annual Conference

Since 1920, the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) has been the go-to organization for the nation’s predominately associate degree-granting regionally accredited institutions. The association hosts one of the largest convenings of community college professionals and offers engaging speakers, relevant professional development, and unsurpassed networking opportunities. AACC Annual provides access to the nation’s community college leaders who collectively serve more than 40 percent of the nation’s undergraduates.

AACC Annual creates opportunities to design and solve today’s priority challenges and to identify opportunities and innovation to support the country’s community college students.

Conference Information: https://s1.goeshow.com/aacc/annual/2023/index.cfm

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to Mar 23


With over 1,000 of the world’s leading manufacturing and supply chain solution providers under one roof, you can see firsthand what the future holds – and find the tools you need to shockproof your operations and move your business forward.

From hands-on demonstrations to 150 educational seminars and four exciting keynote speeches, attending ProMat is your unrivaled opportunity in 2023 to find solutions, connect with your peers and leading solution-providers and learn the latest trends and technologies that can help you touch the future of supply chain success.

Only at ProMat, can you:

  • Experience the latest solutions from over 1,000 of the leading solution providers in-person, in-action

  • Learn the latest ideas driving supply chain in thought-provoking keynotes and in more than 150 digital seminars on emerging trends and technologies like sustainability, IoT, AI, robotics and automation

  • Connect and strong business relationships with your peers and suppliers from around the world

If it's your job to innovate your manufacturing and supply chain operations, you can't afford to miss ProMat - March 20-23.

Conference Information: https://www.promatshow.com/

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8:00 AM08:00

Innovations Conference

The League for Innovation in the Community College is pleased to announce that the 2023 Innovations Conference will be held March 11-14 in Tempe, Arizona. All conference events will take place at the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel. The League is monitoring CDC guidelines and will update safety measures for this conference as needed. This event is hosted by Maricopa Community Colleges.

The Innovations Conference, now in its 26th year, is the foremost convening for professionals dedicated to improving and enhancing teaching and learning, leadership and management, and the community college experience. This international event provides a forum for collaboration among academic experts and thought leaders, while granting participants exclusive access to the most inventive and inspirational community college programs from around the world.

Conference Information: https://www.league.org/inn2023

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9:30 AM09:30

Mechatronics 101 Workshop

  • Hillsborough Community College - Brandon Campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mechatronics 101 Workshop

A workshop for Secondary and Post Secondary Educators new to Mechatronics and Smart Manufacturing

This hands-on workshop will introduce faculty, administrators, and counselors to an entry level Mechatronics course (Concepts of Electronics) taught to high school students at a distance in Nebraska and Minnesota. It is the first of 4 courses being designed to deliver to high school students. Attendees will learn best practices for delivering technical coursework online, assemble a trainer, and perform lab exercises designed for high school or college students.

All participants will take their finished trainer (valued over $300) home and be asked to create a lab with the trainer to share with other workshop attendees and the NCNGM and iMEC communities. A parts list and related curriculum will also be made available.

Teams from high schools and state/community colleges are encouraged to attend.

The workshop is FREE, lunch will be provided, and attendees will take their trainer home to use in their own classrooms.

Questions? Contact: Marilyn Barger (Marilyn.barger@flate.org)

DATE: THURSDAY March 9, 2023

Location: Hillsborough Community College, Brandon Campus, Tampa, Florida

10451 Nancy Watkins Dr., Tampa, FL 22619

BSS Room 215

Time: 9:30 am-4:00 pm


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Tunxis Foundation Economic Breakfast & Networking Event
7:30 AM07:30

Tunxis Foundation Economic Breakfast & Networking Event

Economic Breakfast & Networking Event
October 26, 2022 at 7:30 a.m.
DoubleTree by Hilton
42 Century Drive, Bristol, CT

Join us for a panel discussion with industry leaders featuring insights on:
Manufacturing in Connecticut
Hosted by Paul Lavoie, Chief Manufacturing Officer, State of Connecticut

An event to benefit student scholarships and programs at Tunxis Community College

Reserve Your Seat Today!


Learn More and Become a Sponsor! (PDF)

Paul Lavoie will lead a panel discussion addressing workforce development, recruiting new companies to Connecticut, and the acceleration of the adoption of new i4.0 technologies.


Kelli-Marie Vallieres, PhD
Chief Workforce Officer,
Office of Workforce Strategy
Vice Chair, Governor’s Workforce Council

Ted Fisher
Director, Business Development,
Advanced Manufacturing

Jacquelynn Garofano, PhD
Chief Technology Officer,
Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc

Karen Wosczyna-Birch, PhD
Executive Director, College of Technology
Executive Director and Principal Investigator,
National Center for Next Generation Manufacturing

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to Jul 28

HI TEC Conference

HI-TEC: A National Conference on Advanced Technological Education

Don't miss the 2022 HI-TEC conference on July 25–28 at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah!

Supported by the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education (NSF ATE) program, HI-TEC is a national conference on advanced technological education where secondary and postsecondary educators, counselors, industry professionals, trade organizations, and technicians can update their knowledge and skills. Charged with preparing America’s skilled technical workforce, the event focuses on the preparation needed by the existing and future workforce for companies in the high-tech sectors that drive our nation’s economy.

HI-TEC explores the convergence of scientific disciplines and technologies including:

  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

  • Bio and Agricultural Technologies

  • Energy and Environmental Technologies

  • Engineering Technologies

  • Information, Communications, and Geospatial Technologies

  • Learning, Evaluation, and Research

  • Micro and Nanotechnologies

  • Security Technologies

  • Workforce Diversity and Inclusion

  • Emerging Technologies

Who Should Attend HI-TEC?

  • Community College and University Educators

  • High School Educators

  • Workforce Development Advocates

  • Trade Organizations

  • Industry Professionals

  • Technicians

Learn more about HI TEC

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